What are some neuroscience hacks to become smarter and genius?

There are no neuroscience hacks to achieve your goals. IQ is determined genetically and can be lowered by environmental factors, such as head trauma, disease, and exposure to toxins. Efforts have been made for many years to find a means of increasing intelligence. No practical means has yet been discovered (see Haier, R. J. (2017) referenced below).
Intelligence is not learned nor can it be taught. IQ is 85% heritable in adults (developed nations). The environment contains two factors:
C __ the things that make us more alike
E __ the things that make us more different

As mentioned above, the genotype increases from early childhood until adulthood. If environmental effects were potent, they would cause the opposite to happen; we would see C or E or both increasing as we age. The opposite happens.
You can increase your use of your IQ by pursuing as much education as you can effectively absorb. People at all IQ levels need education to learn how to perform tasks in their environment, including career.
It is very unlikely that any of us will ever meet even one genius in our lifetime. Genius is rare.
A genius is someone who makes a contribution to humanity that is so important that it will be remembered, honoured, and praised for many lifetimes. These are the people who not only are consistently listed in encyclopedias, but are given large space there.

Reference: Brian White


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