Why do old people generally suffer from brain disorder?

All old people suffer from brain atrophy.
Some old people suffer dementia.
The brain cells (neurons) you were born with are all the brains you’re going to get, and every day 1,000,000 of those precious cells die. Yet you can lose half your brain and still retain personality and memory.
Every time you get drunk or concussed, you lose another million or so.
Smokers’ brains atrophy quicker than non-smokers.
Alzheimer’s respects neither age nor intelligence.

Cherish your mental muscles. Exercise them, and don’t say ‘I don’t have the brains’ as an excuse for not wanting to do something challenging.
The brain behaves like a muscle, has more connections than there are stars in the known universe, and is a miracle of nature.
The brain is so complex that half of all your genes are required for its complex development.

Reference: Jim Euclid


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