What is the difference between non receptor tyrosine kinase and receptor tyrosine kinase?

After binding of the ligand, the receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) auto phosphorylates Tyrosine -> activates GRB2 -> SOS -> RAS -> downstream kinase -> transcription factors. Think anabolic/growth factors - Insulin, IGF-1, FGF, PDGF, EGF
Non receptor tyrosine kinase receptors dimerizes -> recruits JAK -> JAK cross-phosphorylate dimer -> activate STAT and dimerize it -> STAT translocates into nucleus and activates transcription. The hormones are mostly related to immunity. Think acidophils and cytokines. A good mnemonic is PIGG (L) ET: Prolactin, Immunomodulators (cytokine, IL-2, Il-6, IFN), GH, G-CSF, Erythropoietin and Thromobopoietin
The key conceptual difference here is RTK has intrinsic TK activity and nRTK needs to recruit JAK to have kinase activity.
Here is an image that gives you a side-by-side comparison:

Reference: Kayee Tong


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