Is there an association between brain size and Neurodegeneration?
There are more variables than brain size involved.
If you had a brain MRI performed, and the doctor who interpreted the results rendered your smaller brain like a death sentence, then we have a shared experience. I fled to a specialist - a neuropsychologist - and he stated the same finding was “too vague to have clinical significance.”
It would concern me more if I were symptomatic.

After months of research, and discussions with every brain specialist under the sun, I stumbled across this insight on my own. My MRI shows I have no “hemosiderin (or iron) deposits” no signs of vascular damage or other anomalies, indicative of a neurodegenerative disease or substance abuse.
I drew my own conclusions and shared them with a psychiatrist, and he agreed. I would be more concerned if your MRI showed an accumulation of iron deposits with the global mild atrophy. Though not definitive, together they would be more indicative of neuropathology. 
Reference: Robert Pfaff


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